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criminal defence, traffic tickets, theft under, dangerous driving, assault, mischief, careless driving, driving while suspended, stunting, racing, in oshawa, toronto, lindsay, peterborough

Fight a Stunt Driving Charge

Stunt driving is a serious offence in Ontario, carrying severe penalties that can have lasting impacts on your driving record, finances, and freedom. If you’ve been charged with stunt driving, it’s crucial to understand the law, the elements of the offence, possible defences, and the consequences of a conviction. This comprehensive guide provides valuable insights...

criminal defence, traffic tickets, theft under, dangerous driving, assault, mischief, careless driving, driving while suspended, stunting, racing, in oshawa, toronto, lindsay, peterborough

Understanding the Offence of Theft

  Theft is one of the most common criminal offences in Canada, encompassing a range of actions. Understanding the legal framework surrounding theft, as defined by Canadian law, is essential for both legal professionals and the general public. This blog will delve into various aspects of theft, drawing on information from Criminal Notebook, providing a...

criminal defence, traffic tickets, theft under, dangerous driving, assault, mischief, careless driving, driving while suspended, stunting, racing, in oshawa, toronto, lindsay, peterborough

Understanding the Offence of Assault

An assault charge is a serious offence under the Criminal Code of Canada. Understanding the legal definitions and implications is crucial. This blog article will break down Sections 265 and 266 of the Criminal Code, explaining what constitutes assault and the penalties involved. What is Assault? Understanding Section 265 of the Criminal Code Assault is...

What is a Pardon?

What is a pardon? How do I get a pardon? These questions are very valid questions for those convicted of a crime in Canada. I hope this information helps you to understand the subject a little more. What is a Pardon? A pardon, also known as a record suspension, is a legal process in Canada...

Criminal defence, traffic ticket paralegal, paralegal in oshawa, toronto, lindsay, peterborough, process server

Demerit Points in Ontario

What are Demerit Points in Ontario Why Do We Have Demerit Points in Ontario? Demerit points in Ontario, Canada, play a crucial role in regulating and promoting safe driving practices. The demerit points system is designed to encourage responsible behavior on the roads by penalizing drivers for various traffic violations. The system is administered by...

Criminal defence, traffic ticket paralegal, paralegal in oshawa, toronto, lindsay, peterborough, process server

Is Careless Driving A Criminal Offence

Careless driving falls under the Highway Traffic Act in Ontario, but is careless driving a criminal charge? There are various driving offences that are criminal charges, these include dangerous operation, operation while impaired, and operation causing death, but careless driving is not a criminal offence, it does not result in a criminal record. About Careless...

Criminal defence, traffic ticket paralegal, paralegal in oshawa, toronto, lindsay, peterborough, process server

Highway Traffic Act Section 128

The offence of speeding (Highway Traffic Act section 128) is a common traffic violation that can have serious consequences under the Ontario Highway Traffic Act (HTA). This blog post aims to shed light on the offence of speeding, covering its definition, essential elements, penalties, and potential defences. Definition of Speeding, Highway Traffic Act Section 128...

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